
Relaxation/Stretch Workout

Try out our relaxing stretching workout for stiff muscles & stress relief. Our easy stretches are easy to do even if you're at work. So if you're working from home take a short break and try it out.

Repeat each exercise for 6 breaths.


Exercise 1: Hands Chest Hair

  • Begin by sitting on the chair bringing the legs parallel to the legs of the chair, and extend the spine upwards till you feel comfortable. Never go beyond your comfort.
  • Bring the palms in Namaste close to your chest, and close your eyes.
  • Begin to feel the flow of the coolness of the breath through the nostril while trying to fill in the abdomen and lungs.
  • While it may take few rounds of breathing to understand this, make sure the breathing is also slow and smooth.
  • Sit connecting with the breath for about 6 breaths or more and bring that smile on the face to keep the facial muscles calm and relaxed.

Reps: 6 Breaths


Exercise 2: Chair Neck Rolls A

  • Inhale and take the neck upwards and backwards as you feel comfortable and exhale completely. Then inhale and bring the neck downwards towards the chin and exhale completely.
  • Practice this movement of neck in two rounds taking 2 rounds of breath in round.
  • Make sure not to strain the body and the movement trying to co-ordinate the breath with the movement. If the breathing and the movement cannot be co-ordinated, make sure the breathing is still happening.
  • Release from the Chair Neck Rolls A and sit keeping the neck relaxed.

Reps: 6 Breaths


Exercise 3: Chair Neck Rolls B

  • Releasing from Chair Neck Rolls A, come to the centre and relax for a few breaths.
  • Now slowly along with breathing move the neck clockwise and anticlockwise in two rounds each taking 2 breaths for each round.
  • Make sure not to strain the body and the movement trying to co-ordinate the breath with the movement. If the breathing and the movement cannot be co-ordinated, make sure the breathing is still happening.
  • Idea of rotating the neck here is to release the tensions built around the neck and the shoulders as they say ' take the weight off your shoulders'.
  • Go comfortable here with the movement and if ok, you can close your eyes to stay disconnected from the world around you.

Reps: 6 Breaths


Exercise 4: Shoulder Circles

  • Release from the neck rolls above and come to the centre.
  • Now placing the palms on the shoulder close to the base of the neck bend the elbows and extend the spine and sit straight.
  • Make circles with the arms rotating them while bent clockwise and anticlockwise going in six rounds each while taking 2 breaths in each round. 
  • The idea of this stretch is to keep the shoulder, elbows and wrist joint active reducing any symptoms related to arthritis or osteoporosis.

Reps: 6 Breaths


Exercise 5: Cat Cow Pose

  • Release from shoulder rolls placing your hands on your thighs.
  • Inhale, expand the chest and take the head and the chin a bit back.
  • Exhale; curl your chest and shoulders locking the chin down.
  • Move dynamically here in Chair Cat Cow Pose.
  • Practice this 6 times coordinating with the breathing process.

Reps: 6 Breaths


Exercise 6: Seated Twists

  • Release from the cat cow pose, and relax seated comfortably.
  • Then holding the chair with your hands, inhale and slowly turn towards the right twisting the torso from the hips and gaze behind you and exhale completely.
  • Here in Chair Seated Twists, remain for about 1 more breath and then to release slowly inhale and come to the centre and relax.
  • Repeat on the opposite side six times in total.

Reps: 6 Breaths